
Toddler 1


12 months to 2 years

Classroom Details

Children 12 to 24 months of age receive a 5:1 child to staff ratio. This classroom provides a safe environment for students to learn and play. Children will work on continuing to improve communication skills and develop further thinking and reasoning skills.

  • Our young toddlers learn through hands on exploration. Our teachers create learning and interest areas that have many materials that promote hands on learning and creativity.
  • The young toddlers work on their communication skills every day. The teachers engage them in songs, stories, conversations, and many other activities throughout the day.
  • Socially, young toddlers are learning about their feelings, connections with friends and teachers, making choices and solving problems. These skills are promoted in all of the activities that they are taking part in.
  • The young toddlers also participate in a Spanish class 3 days a week. This gives them the foundation of learning a second language. 

Classroom Teachers

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